Magic Lantern Slide: Topsham Academy Medal

This photographic image by William Weaver Baker records one side of a silver medal awarded by Topsham Academy to Henry Lambert in 1827 for his writing skills. The reverse of the medal is shown in another of Baker’s magic lantern slides (313/1977/640). The medal is in the museum’s collection (see 40/1921) and is evidence of the close working relationship Baker had with the museum and its collections.

Object Summary

Accession Loan No.
Collection Class
Social and industrial history
glasspaperphotographic emulsion
Common Name
Magic Lantern Slide: Topsham Academy Medal
Simple Name
Inscription Transcription
handwritten 'TOPSHAM ACADEMY MEDAL' on top edge
Period Classification
Inter War (1918-1939)
Production Country
United Kingdom
Production Person Initials
W. Weaver
Production Person Surname
Production Year Low

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Lantern Slide: Topsham Academy Medal