Oil lamp

This lamp was described by its collector as ‘Greek of KNIDOS type, so probably found there, dating 4th-3rd. century B. C. Dark grey ware, 5.25 in. by 3.6 in. Spreading nozzle with curved end running to points; ridged handle; concave discus with central filling-hole, on each side a modelled comic mask (not moulded with the lamp), and below each mask a plain disc (NO.358 of the British Museum Lamp Catalogue has similar masks. See PL. IX) Bought for 4/- from West of Dawlish, Sept. 1935. Form 56’. It belonged to Lieutenant Colonel Montague whose collection of over 800 classical archaeological objects is an important resource in the museum collections.

Object Summary

Accession Loan No.
Collection Class
Foreign archaeology
Collector Excavator
Montague, LAD
Common Name
oil lamp
Simple Name
Period Classification
Hellenistic - 336-146 BC

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oil lamp depicting comic masks