Magic Lantern Slide: Dick went down to the wharf with Pussy, packed in a neat comfortable basket

This slide is from the tale of Dick Whittington, with each of the twelve slides showing a different part of the story. In this image Dick is about to be rowed to board the merchant’s ship, with his cat comfortably contained in a basket.

Object Summary

Accession Loan No.
Collection Class
Social and industrial history
glasspaperphotographic emulsionpigment
Common Name
Magic Lantern Slide: Dick went down to the wharf with Pussy, packed in a neat comfortable basket
Simple Name
Period Classification
Victorian (1837-1901)
Production Town
Production Country
United Kingdom
Production Person Surname
J. Theobald & Co.
Production Year High

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Lantern Slide: Dick went down to the wharf with Pussy, packed in a neat comfortable basket