Under butler’s uniform

This livery (coat, waistcoat and breeches) was made for the under butler at Shute Barton near Axminster in 1835, where he worked for the Pole Carew family. The coat is part of a livery uniform for a domestic servant. The suit has a yellow waistcoat edged with the same livery lace, and black plush velvet knee breeches. The livery lace was embroidered separately in wool and applied to the collar and cuffs. It shows the quartered coat of arms of the Pole Carew family. The silver buttons are embossed with the family’s coat of arms.

Object Summary

Accession Loan No.
Decorative Art
Collection Class
Clothing and accessories
wool | livery lace ( wool embroidery) | | |
Common Name
under butler’s uniform
Simple Name
Period Classification
William IV (1830-1837)
Production Town

Production Date
Production Person Initials

Production Person Surname

Production Year Low

Production Year High

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under butler’s suit coat