Exeter Roman Bath-House Trust archive

The Exeter Roman Bath-House Trust was formed in April 2002 to campaign for the revealing, preservation and display of Exeter’s Roman bath-house. The Trust’s archives includes earlier work to the same ends.
The archive consists of meeting minutes, projects plans, consultant plans, excavation strategies, building plans, contextual information, photographs and newspaper cuttings. It can be sub-divided into 6 main periods of activity: 1974, 1980s, 1990-1991, 1994-1995, 2002-2004 and 2012-2013.

Object Summary

Accession Loan No.
Collection Class
Exeter archaeology
Collection Area Region
Northern Europe
paper | | | |
Common Name
Exeter Roman Bath-House Trust archive
Simple Name
archaeological archive
Period Classification
Modern (1945-); Roman (43-410)
Production Town

Production Person Initials

Production Person Surname

Production Year Low

Production Year High

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documentary archive for Exeter Roman Bath-House Trust