Decorative tile in the form of a face

A complete smoke-blackened terracotta antefix tile was found in one of the lower fills of a Roman pit which appears to have been infilled at some stage in the latter part of the 2nd century. The antefix portrays a human face (probably female) framed by hair, the face probably represents a gorgon. Antefixes are decorative tiles which serve as finials on the eaves or gable ends of prestigious buildings. This one has the same form as those used on the military bath-house in Exeter and so must have come from there or been destined to go there.

Object Summary

Accession Loan No.
Collection Class
Exeter archaeology
Collection Area Region
Northern Europe
Collector Excavator
Exeter Archaeology
Common Name
decorative tile in the form of a face
Simple Name
tile (roof)
Period Classification
Roman (43-410)

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antefix in form of face